Hey everyone,
It's been a year. Almost a year. Eleven whole months.
If I was pregnant (I'm not) I could have had a baby in this time (I haven't).

I don't know how I fell off the wagon, and I truly miss my little space on the internet.
I feel like I lot of people who have been blogging for a while (I've technically been blogging since I was 12 - and since I was 19 here!) I've been feeling quite burnt out.
The blogging bubble has burst. People are moving over to YouTube. Are we yelling into the abyss?
Is it over?
Who cares say I? I hate not writing.
I mean I've been journaling lots this year. Sort of. Well I missed for for the whole of March.
But I have been journalling nonetheless.
So hello!
Let's measure, measure a year. (Seasons of LOOOOOOVE... etc)
I'm still at my same job in travel admin. The lasses are loud and lovely.
We've celebrated engagements, hen parties, a wedding and three babies - plus another on the way!
And Rhiannah still thinks a quail is a baby whale.

I've also been lucky enough to go galavanting since the last time we spoke.
The perks of working in travel!
I've already mentioned we went to Barcelona last May for my birthday which was wonderful, but reckon I should mention it here too because WHY NOT.
I've completely fallen in love the city and am already planning a return trip next year.

It was rainy and overcast but me and Bradders still managed to eat ice cream every day.
Then me and my sister visited Budapest in August which was amazing.
It was one of my bucket list destinations, and did not disappoint.
It was also SO cheap which was a welcome surprise
I think I only spent £120 over five days, and that included eating out three times a day, drinks, public transport, souvenirs and entry to the thermal baths.

The most lethal margaritas ever.
Finally for his Christmas present, I treated me and Papi B to a long weekend in Berlin in January as Newcastle has just reintroduced a direct route to Berlin!
I got an absolute steal on an agent rate at the hotel which was about a ten minute walk from Alexanderplatz.

I ticked another thing off the bucket list - the Ramones museum!
I expected to only look around for an hour or so as Papi B hates punk, but they have a bar and we ended up staying there all afternoon slowly getting pissed on German lager and watching Ramones concerts on repeat.
Bury me there.

Me and Bradders are also going to Krakow in November!
She got engaged last month, and has already booked to get married in August 2018, so there will most likely not be an annual ~galz trippp~ next year as she saves for her wedding and honeymoon.
Nick got down on one knee in a park in Amsterdam.
I've been telling people it was outside the Sex Museum hurr hurr.
Family-wise, all is well.
Papi B celebrated his 60th birthday. He was thoroughly spoiled.
I asked him if he feels 60. "I feel about 19!" He said.

Aww. Papi actually likes and wears the novelty t-shirts I bring him back from holiday!
It's also Italian Catholic Mother's 60th this year.
Her pals have cajoled her into having a big joint party with them all and she is trying everything possible to get out of it.
Again, goals.
My sister Nadia is finally graduating from uni in June after four years.
(Five years if you include her "sabbatical" - aka: a year of sitting on her bum watching Gilmore Girls.)
We're also booked to go to Japan this October, to celebrate her finally being free from the shackles of Dissertation Hell. Staying in Tokyo for a week, then a few days in Kyoto and Osaka.
It'll be my third time, her first and we can't wait.
I need to write up a few more Japan Diaries, as I've been really proud of that mini-series.

From my 2015 visit.
I've previously stayed in Meguro (above, right) but for a change we are staying in the Minato area, near the Tokyo Tower.
Somehow I've managed to book us in an AirBNB next to an Irish bar and the rest of the street is full of Izakayas.
I don't think I'm going to remember much of this trip.

I DIY-d these ridiculous shoes a few months ago and it's finally getting warm enough to wear them, woo!
I have so many posts planned: beauty, fashion, travel, food and of course our favourite around these parts - miscellaneous.
I'm planning a little quick series called TOP 5 which are quick little posts which should only take five minutes or so to read.
I have about twenty posts already drafted, I just need to pull my finger out and actually get started!
Again, I've missed you all so much.
So *puts mug down* how have you been...?
Muchos love,
Good to see you back. I've been reading your blog for a while and keep checking back for new updates. I was so shocked to find one here today and hope you keep up with them. I'm not into Youtube at all (apart from the Richard Herring podcasts) and love 'old-fashioned', diary style blogs so I'm chuffed you're taking it up again.