13 May 2012

"Nobody Likes You When You're Twenty-Three..."

Hey everyone,

It was my birthday yesterday, and I turned twenty-three. Hoorah!

Although I didn't plan on buying a new outfit as I'm trying so hard to curb my spending for Australia, I just couldn't resist this gorgeous prom style dress from Red Herring for only £45!
(Though I also fell in love with this dress too with a cool chilli pepper design - but I behaved myself.)

I think it looks and feels a lot more expensive, especially as it has pretty petticoats and tulle underneath.

It's one of those dresses which feels like it's been made especially for me - it fits my waist perfectly, is low-cut without being too revealing and the hemline hits my knees in just the right spot.

I was planning on wearing heels, but since we had standing tickets for Boulevard I didn't want to be worrying that my feel would hurt after 3 hours of solid standing.

DRESS: Red Herring.
BELT: Dorothy Perkins.
NECKLACE: Birthday present from my sister via Topshop.
SHOES: Office.
POINT OF FASHION: Grown up girly.

To go with the 1950s feel of the dress, I kept my makeup quite minimal for a party look with my usual cat eye (001 by Barry M) and false eyelashes (eBay), a strong brow (Wet N' Wild brow palette) and bright pink lips (Touch of Magic by Barry M).

I also tried a new foundation, as it's always good to try new things - Wake Me Up Foundation by Rimmel in True Ivory which I believe is the second lightest shade. 
It looks a little too orange for my skin tone in the bottle, but I really love the consistency, and it goes on my face much paler. I think it also gives me a bit of a more dewy look than usual - when sometimes I worry I look a little too matt!

To celebrate my birthday, I had a cat themed night out with my friends (as you do...)
We went to Twist for a few cheeky drinks, then saw Boulevard's late show which was awesome as ever. 

Like myself, most of my friends aren't into proper 'clubbing' anymore (not that I've ever been the world's biggest fan in the first place) and it was lovely to have a night out with lots of singing and dancing, but without the blaring house music, dance floors so crowded you can hardly move and hour-long queues for the bar and bathroom. 

It was such a laugh, so I thought I'd share a few of my favourite photos:

I loved my bestie Sam's fluffy ears, as well as her new outfit from Miss Selfridge.

Marie and I demonstrating 'the Autumn Shade dance' from our school days.

During a PE lesson in Year 9 the class was asked to pair up and come up with a dance to a song inspired by the artist and lyrics.
While the other girls came up with sexy moves from various Top 40 tunes, we chose the slowest song we knew - Autumn Shade by The Vines - and sort of just swayed about like Craig Nicholls

I'm so glad my darling Daniel is home from his year abroad in France - I've missed him so much!

I love this picture so much!
Natalie (I LOVE her 'Soft Kitty' t-shirt), Sam, Lorna, Marie, Libby and Sarah.

Thank you again to my friends for such a wonderful night - you're the best!
And also to everyone who sent me such lovely tweets yesterday, they were really appreciated - thank you thank you! 

Muchos love,


  1. Looking awesome again, my dear!
    Happy Birthday and have a wonderful and amazing year!
    Love and huggs!

  2. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a fab time :) I have that Soft Kitty tshirt hehe :)

  3. Happy belated birthday! I love Red Herring- and that dress is another beauty!

  4. Gorgeous dress, love the full skirt.
    Hope you had a wonderful birthday xx

  5. Soft Kitty shirt for the win, and I plan on blasting What's My Age Again when I turn 23 next year. Yay for music heads.

    Ugh I've been looking for print dresses for a while. So yeah you just gave me some great ideas.

    Happy belated birthday!

  6. Happy birthdayyy I love your dress! xo

  7. wow dress is wonderful ! happy birthday !:)

  8. Looks like you had a great birthday :) love the outfit! x

  9. happy birthday dear!! Of course you still pretty and evertyhing at 23. I'm 31 everybody likes me. If they don't they're just lame. lol
    And now give me that shoes.

    I'm not kidding I love them!

  10. Happy birthday! Your outfit is gorgeous - the dress really suits you! x

  11. that dress is soo pretty!! Happy Birthday!

  12. Looks like you had a fabulous birthday! Some of the best people are born in May (you, the Husband, my friend Kev...)! Hope to see you soon! x

  13. I had an amazing time, thanks again (and again and again) for a gorgeous night out. I think we need an excuse for a trip to the summer show too! (My Soft Kitty tee from the CBS Store for any of those wondering!) xx

  14. Happy belated birthday!
    That dress is amazing!


  15. glad you had a good birthday, you make a lovely cat ;) love your dress, it looks so nice on you! xx

  16. Happy belated birthday! Loving the cat theme :)

  17. Eee! That dress is FANTASTIC! I can understand why you had to buy it, not only is it super pretty but you look amazing in it! Looks like you had a great time! Happy belated Birthday!!

  18. Yay! Happy birthday from Australia :) We are very happy to have you :)
    If I were to pick anywhere to live in Sydney, I think I'd pic somewhere like Newtown. Always buzzing with all kinds of peeps and the most amazing food. And if you are uber cashed up.....darlinghurst. These are some of the places where my friends live and its awesome :)
    Toni xo

  19. Happy birthday honey! you look very good in your new dress! :)

  20. Happy birthday to you, you look beautiful!

    Maria xxx
