11 March 2012

Mamma Mia

Hey everyone,

Something a wee bit different on the blog, today...

Italian Catholic Mother and Papi B.

I frequently mention the Italian family on my mother's side - specifically my own 'Italian Catholic Mother' (who Claire described as "surely the only mum with a Hashtag").
If you follow me on Twitter you'll know she's one of those people who is absolutely hilarious without really realising it.

Some of my favourite quips and one-liners in recent times include:

When we had the recent minus zero weather, somebody draw a plallus on her iced-up window and her reaction was "I can't be certain, but I'm sure it had a face." 
She has narrowed the suspects down to the school kids who walk past our house or "that fella with the dog who knows I don't like it."

(When we loaned a National Trust card from our neighbour she was straight on the internet looking for free excursions...)
I.C.M: Oooh we could visit Hogarth's house!
PAPI B: He's an 18th century artist, why would you be interested in that?
I.C.M: Oh, I thought it was something to do with Harry Potter...

(When we were watching a trashy tv show about young people going out and getting wasted...)
ME: It's like "Sodom and Gommorah."
I.C.M: Didn't Sodom fight Goliath?

I.C.M: Aren't you going to be bored with all these books?
ME: Reading is the most fulfilling thing you can do. How can you possibly think it's boring?
I.C.M: The only book I've ever read is Shane Richie's autobiography.

Oh, I'm going to be in trouble for those.
I'm frequently warned about "posting the stupid things I say on the internet."
Sorry, mama!

However, the real point of this post is I've been looking through some old photos and absolutely love my mam's outfits.

Being a child of the 90s, I mostly remember her wearing sweatshirts, baggy nautical tops and strirrup pants.
But looking at earlier photos from the late 1970s/1980s she is wearing very sructured, classic peices - and I just had to share some of my favourites.

I've been meaning to do this post for a while, but seeing how it's coming up to Mother's Day I thought it was pretty appropriate.

Have any of you guys ever been influenced or inspired style-wise by a family member?
Do let me know in the comments below!

Muchos love,

DISCLAIMER: This post is in partnership with Find-Me-A-Gift.co.uk which is a great website for unique Mother's Day gifts. I received no money from writing this post - however in return they are sending Italian Catholic Mother a present. (How nice?!)
As ever- all words and opinions are my own!


  1. Gorgeous old photos of your mother! I have always loved the wisdom of I.C.M. This has definitely made me want o dig up old family photos :)

  2. Ah thanks for posting those quotes from your mum. They made me chuckle!! - x -


  3. Such a lovely post and how great is it that a lot of the styling is back in fashion!

  4. How beautiful is I.C.M?? Very stylish lady. My mum isn't always adventurous with styles and fashions but she has perfect skin and hair from years of staying 'au naturel' - very little make up, only recently started to dye her hair and never puts a hairdryer or straightner to her head. Infact her only little treat is her eyebrow threading. Lovely post Carla. xXx

  5. I think I need to pop to America to get a salted caramel frap. My friends got a candle and the smell is to die for. Loved the video blog :) Cardiffornia gurl X

  6. Your Mum had style! I think I got some of my fashion from my older sister, though my Mum and I share similar taste these days.

    My ex-mother-in-law would come out with the most amusing & craziest things, i'd often think I needed to start writing them down into a book!

  7. aaw what a lovely post, you mum sounds like a right hoot! My mum hasn't inspired my clothing at all, in fatc I still act like a teenager and wear things that she hates. She really hates it when I wear bright pink lipstick so I do it even more ;) haha xx

  8. awww thats such a lovely idea, esspecially now its near mother's day. Your mum sounds actually hilarious. Love the harry potter one :)
    My mum is like that, i really should start putting them together for her to look at when she's older...
    She once re-inacted a snails death in our living room, so you see my point.
    I really love my mums old clothes, i actually have claimed a few for myself, just because :D

    I love your blog xx

  9. I love your mum's green dress and the last one. Mums always say the funniest things :) xx

  10. Your mum is awesome! My mum always looks amazing but I HATED her dodgy perm in the 80s!

    Maria xxx
