However, this was from yesterday. I wore it for a BLT date with the boy:

TOP: Primark, £3.50.
SKIRT: New Look, £12ish.
NECKLACE (short): Accessorize, £8.
NECKLACE (long): New Look, £8.
HAIRBAND: Can't remember, sorry!
TIGHTS: Dorothy Perkins, £5.
SHOES: Vintage, £11.
POINT OF FASHION: Suburban ballerina/birds.
You all know by now that this is my favourite necklace, ja? Well disaster struck after I took this picture - one of the strands snapped and broke! It's still wearable, but I miss having four necklaces in one!
Also about the skirt - notice anything a little off about it? No? There's a tiny yellow badge on the belt (from Lady Luck Rules OK) that I use to keep it in place - it unties otherwise!
I'm being a bit of a social gal for the rest of this week: seeing my old friend Claire tomorrow for a cheeky Nando's, work on Friday (I'm a Student Ambassador for my university and LOVE my job! - final year is just too busy to do a lot of shifts at the moment, unfortunately) then have another sleepover planned for the weekend.
In other news, the new layout is in the process of being designed by the beautiful and talented Janis @ PinkSugarIchig0.
She sent me a sample today and it's looking fieeeeerce! I can't wait to see the finished result!
As always, I always welcome your lovely comments, emails and questions over at Get in touch with my about anything and everything - I love post! ;)
Muchos love,
never might your outfits- i wanna see the boy!! emma x
ReplyDeleteTeehee, here you go Emma - here's a MSPaint interpretation of the boy for you:
That outfit is so cute, love the hairband and skirt. x
ReplyDeleteThank you! :DD it's one of my favourite skirts!
ReplyDeletei <3 your blog! xx
Lovely outfit! Those shoes are so great and i love the little birds.
ReplyDeleteI really like Lady Luck Rules Ok :)
thankies - i know, i love those shoes, and the skirt is so cute. i always remember a nautical one in the same style (but blue and with anchors) that was never in my size! grrr.
ReplyDeletei do too - but i think it was my sister ordering something and i got the free badge as i don't own any of their stuff, yet ^__^ xxxxxx
I love reading your blog. I am at least 15 years older than you, and a size bigger, but I live in Newcastle too, so I really enjoy seeing someone stylish and unskinny shopping in my home town and loving it.
ReplyDeleteawww thank you very much abi! everyone is welcome here - and YAY for another geordie! did you know we were voted third most stylish city in the UK (after london and leeds who have fashion colleges!) i can't find the link for it at the moment, but i'll post it if i do!
ReplyDeleteI <3 NCL <33
thanks for commenting xxxxxx